ThroBak P90 Guitar Pickup Covers
ThroBak Reproduction P90 Guitar Pickup Covers
ThroBak is pleased to offer the same reproduction P90 pickup covers that come with all ThroBak P90 pickups for sale separately. Molded of butyrate, just like vintage P90 pickup covers, and sized to fit any Gibson spaced P90 guitar pickup, ThroBak P90 pickup covers come in tall and notched sizes to fit most all vintage and modern P90 guitar pickups. Aged and unaged bone, cream and black soap P90 pickup covers and aged and unaged bridge dog ear pickup covers available. Please look over the color, aging and size information carefully before placing an order.
Color and aging choices.
Color and aging choices.
Lightly Aged Bone covers are the best choice for Historic era Gibsons. Lightly aged Bone color match a slight shade lighter than the pickguard for a true vintage look. Choose med. to heavily aged for heavily reliced guitars. ThroBak bone and cream colors matched from 50's vintage Bone and Cream covers.
Perfect for Vintage Restorations and Historic Upgrades!
Frequently asked questions.:
- Which size soap bar cover do I choose? Tall is best for most modern Gibson spaced P-90 pickups and notched for vintage 50's soap bars, (custom sizes available between 9mm and 14mm in height).
- How do I choose between Bone and Cream colors? For Gibson Historic guitars Bone lightly aged bone is the best color match to the Historic pickguard. Cream will look darker than the pickguard on a Historic. For vintage restorations. '56 era guitars typically have bone covers and '52 to '54 often cream. Aged cream will match the pickguard best on a vintage goldtop and the bone will contrast brighter thant the vintage pickguard.
- Why do you suggest lightly aged bone over unaged for a Historic Les Paul? Lightly aged bone is slightly tinted which makes is a close match to the Historic pickguard. Unaged will look great but will be another shade brighter than the Historic pickguard on your guitar.
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